Cause and Effect: Mechanism and Prediction

Events have causes, sometimes simple, sometimes multifaceted. Deciphering causal relationships, and the mechanisms by which they are mediated, is a major activity of science and engineering.

“Where did the green go?”: Seasonal Impacts on Trees (Deciduous vs Evergreen Trees)

In this modeling exercise, students identify differentiating characteristics between two types of trees during their seasonal life cycles to learn about the cross-cutting concept “Cause and Effect”.

This modeling exercise can explore the life cycles of two types of trees and differentiate between the leaves within deciduous trees (maple, oak, elm) and evergreen (Balsam, Douglas, Juniper). Students can first model the differences between both types of trees’ life cycles throughout the year, season to season, then by their leaves, and then possible causes for the changes in colors from prior knowledge (seasonal changes, changes in temperature, leaf structure, etc.). You can omit the key terms “deciduous” and “evergreens” and have students draw initial models based on prior knowledge then discuss proper names following YouTube video and discussion of models. Modeling can be both at large scale and small scale (processes ongoing in leaves).

Suggested Modeling Elements: Organelles: Chloroplast, Organelles: Cell membrane. Organelles: Cell wall, Cells: Plant

Suggested Sensemaking Components: Zoom in/out, Flow of Matter, Flow of Energy, Temperature, Movement/Motion

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